Sleep Apnea
Dr. Charmoy has been recognized as one of the United State’s leading dentists on the east coast for treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea. He treats his patients using Oral Appliance Therapy. Oral Appliance Therapy is the course of action taken by people who are intolerable to a CPAP machine; studies show that within six months many sleep apnea patients cease wearing their CPAP facemask. Most patients do not opt for oral surgery, as this can be painful and often times unsuccessful. Being educated in dental sleep medicine allows Dr. Charmoy to craft an oral appliance that can help to treat your sleep apnea without having to deal with wearing a CPAP. Dr. Charmoy is very knowledgeable about a variety of different oral devices. Being versed in the construction of a number of the industry’s leading oral appliances allows Dr. Charmoy to effectively select the proper appliance for your unique case of sleep apnea. Everyone’s case of sleep apnea is different and must be treated as such; there isn’t the proverbial “one size fits all” when it comes to treating sleep apnea via Oral Appliance Therapy. A properly fitting device will prevent the airway from being blocked and result in a significantly better night’s rest. It will also stop the snoring associated with the Obstructive Sleep Apnea disorder. If you are unsure if you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea or have already been diagnosed, make an appointment with Dr. Charmoy to learn more about treating this condition! It’s that simple. Lack of sleep can be a factor in several health problems and sleep apnea not only affects you but your partner. Get the rest you and your partner deserve! Dr. Charmoy’s staff is knowledgable with your medical insurance and will do everything to maximize your reimbusrement, for your treatment.